If we’ve exhausted all options to save the tooth, we will have to remove it. Extractions can bring much-needed relief for people with serious tooth pain. While it can seem daunting to have a tooth removed, the procedure is straight-forward. There are plenty of options available for replacing teeth that have been extracted, so there’s no need to worry about being left with a gap in your smile.
It’s necessary to extract a tooth for the following reasons:
- Extensive decay or advanced gum disease
- A wisdom tooth has become impacted
- A baby tooth has failed to fall out and is preventing the emergence of a permanent tooth
- More room is needed for successful orthodontic treatment or to ensure new dentures fit properly
What is involved in having a tooth removed?
We take an x-ray and assess your teeth to ascertain the best method of removal, which will either be a simple extraction or a surgical extraction.
A simple extraction is performed on a tooth that is visible in the mouth. It involves loosening the tooth and removing it with dental forceps under local anaesthetic
A surgical extraction involves making a small incision in the gum to remove a tooth that may have broken off or is concealed under the gum.
After the procedure
You will need to look after the site after you’ve had the extraction. Try to keep the site clean by rinsing with warm, salty water. For the first few days, try to only eat soft foods on that site and chewing on the opposite side of your mouth. Try to avoid dislodging the clot that forms in the hole after extraction.
If you experience intense pain a few days after an extraction, get in touch. You may have a condition known as dry socket, which occurs when a blood clot fails to form or is dislodged prematurely, exposing the bone. In this case, you will need to see the dentist who will help to rectify the problem and alleviate any pain.